目前分類:平凡生活 (228)

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嘿嘿嘿,今天的生日 party 辦得非~常成功呢!

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不知道為什麼 很難過

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1. 明天meeting
2. 打包去 Balti/NY 的行李
3. 上健身房/划船
4. 買睫毛膏,洗面乳

8/4 開始的 summer course 不可忘記

1. 打包家裡準備搬家
2. 找 Ballard 的 yoga or dance?
3. 日記重修,主線(遙遙無期)
4. 籌畫 bday party & new house party
5. 幫床買 bed frame & box spring (又是一筆錢:~)
6. 買一個高書架(maybe from Target)

1. 幫咪徐跟薩卡買有刻手機的名牌
2. 念 Civilization of the middle ages 或是其他最近買的書也可以(在二手書店買到 Churchill的二戰回憶錄 & Charlie Wilsons' War). 感覺上這些啃完對寫主線很有幫助.

今天去 Ballard 咖啡廳念書. 真的是 人都還沒搬到 Ballard 生活就已經在 Ballard 了 哈哈哈
走之前去看了 BJJ 練習 果然跟我想得一樣 沒什麼女生
我還是有心理障礙 一來我會是超級遜咖 二來我得跟體格比我高壯這麼多的男生練 :~
我覺得我可能會沮喪到極點...呃 也許找得到 dance class 的話...不知道...再考慮看看 >"< 好煩惱

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很無聊的流水帳 自己現在看了 反而會覺得好懷念的感覺
不像現在 買就買了 有時候買是因為"沒有face cream 非買不可了"
嗯...人真的年紀大 就會懷舊嗎?

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1. What are the re-curring genes or libraries?
2. Should we do fuzzy clustering?
3. Adding more studies
4. Just look at raw reading (not differential)
5. Islet raw readings? (from Burak)

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Miska 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

獨立紀念日的隔日,起得極晚。前一日是到凌晨四點才睡下的,耳邊猶響著遠近街坊的零散煙炮聲。I 先生在睡前極為體貼的幫我作了腳底按摩,用的是他從巴西帶回來的香精油,手法是他在花蓮被我逼著試過後,哎哎叫著說再也不要試的道地按摩。


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為了彌補一整天沒運動之憾,從 I 先生家走到 K 先生家。

K 先生真是廚藝大師,準備了好多好吃的東西! 烤啤酒香腸跟 jalapeno cornbread 真的讚!

第一次學玩 Asshole 這個撲克牌遊戲,連續兩次都贏,耶!

太陽下山後(10PM)到 K 先生公寓頂樓,天哪,風景超讚,連 Bellevue, Lake Washington, 跟 Elliot Bay 的煙火都看得到一點。而 Union Lake 上的主要煙火當然是看得一清二楚! 這風景也太讚了吧!! 跟在 Gasworks park 看又是不同的感受。

大概就這樣吧,今天很乖沒有亂吃東西! 雖然午餐是叫 pizza,但是是叫 whole wheat pizza + light cheese,我很乖^^

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但是吃方面很乖。早餐吃 cereal,午餐是排骨麵跟青菜,晚餐去 The Ram 吃夏季限定的草莓橘子烤鮭魚沙拉~超好吃的!!! 上次吃到就好愛好愛! 裡面有很好的baby greens,zucchini 跟 mushroom 切片,還有新鮮的草莓跟橘子,最後都裹上蔓越莓醋醬,上面疊一片表面微微烤焦的鮭魚,旁邊再附兩片烤得脆脆的奶油麵包...天堂 :~~~ 這是天堂!!!

然後因為就坐在吧台旁邊,就跟酒保點了一大~~杯無酒精的 ice tea mojito! 也是好喝! 讚! 只是灌了超多水後來連跑三次廁所:P

晚上回來,因為今天後來沒去 gym,所以在家裡做了一點運動: 20 伏地 + 1min 腹部 + 1min 蹲腿這樣循環五次~大概做了 15 min 吧~雖然不能彌補真正的gym,但總是聊勝於無囉! 因為屁股開刀躺了一星期,我的手臂真的變弱了! 連做 20 下就有點累了! 這樣不行啊啊啊~~~

好啦總之今天還算乖 明天繼續乖吧

週六就可以看到 rampage vs griffin!!!! 猴子兄加油:~ 就算你會輸也請不要死得太難看不要老是滿頭血啊啊啊我看了都痛...

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前幾天因為突然想去很久沒去的電影院,就去看了 Iron Man。

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Miska 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

時間: 2008/06/18
主題: L'assemblea dei Nobili (貴族們的集會)
地點: 凱葉爾伯爵的家

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其實我不覺得我真的有經歷嚴重到 panic attack 的地步,不過我也懶得找其他形容詞兒,所以就用 panic attack吧。


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Graveworm - 34
我沒有偷懶...這是前天就寫好了>////< 好啦....改考卷去:~

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444 的期末考是今天早上 8:30AM

雖然 Hal 沒有說我一定要陪著監考, 可是考慮到早上八點半就要考試, 覺得學生很可憐, 想說還是去好了. 結果昨天一直到半夜才想起來要買咖啡的話應該要先訂. 事後證明我實在太蠢了,

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剛剛在等程式跑(我的paper快生完吧:~)的時候,又手賤去點到 BeautySalon 版。然後看到這一段話:

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Elie Kedourie


To make policy is to leap into the unknown.

Shall academics presume to instruct a man how he shall leap? Presumption is the pride of fools, and it ought to be the scholar's pride not to presume. It is pursuit of knowledge and increase in learning which gives scholars renown and a good name. How then should they, clothed as they are in the mantle of scholarship, yet imitate this lobby or that pressure group, and recommend this action or that, all the time knowing full well that in politics one is always acting in a fog, that no action is wholly to the good, and that every action in benefiting one particular interest will most likely be to another's detriment.

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This is a VERY THROROUGH step-by-step recipe, prepared for the level of cooking dummies, like Mr. Ian.


Ingredients (for 1 serving);

1 Serving of spaghetti (or whatever kind of noodles you want)
1 Tomato (I always get the kind with the vines attached)
1 Mild Italian sausage (you can skip the sausage)
1 8 oz can of Tomato sauce
some salt
(optional) red chili peppers

(1) Boil a pot or pan of water on HI, when the water boils, add about 1tsp of salt with spaghetti, time it for 10 minutes
(2) Dice a tomato
(3) Heat up a pan on heat level 5, put 2 tsp of olive oil
(4) Remove the skin of the sausage, and use your hand or a knife to break it into small pieces and put it in the pan
(5) When most of the sausage bits turn from raw pink to pale white, add the diced tomatos
(6) When the tomatos turn mushy, add the whole 8 oz can of tomato sauce

By now the spaghetti should be done. If it was done earlier any time between step (2)-(6), remove it from the pot, drain it, and temporarily store it somewhere.

(7) Put the spaghetti into the pan where the tomato sausage sauce is, and mildly stir for 1-2 minutes, adding as much red chili pepper as desired.
(8) Done. Eat it.

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