電影名: The World Is Not Enough (1999年)
歌曲名: The World Is Not Enough/Garbage 演唱

I know how to hurt
I know how to heal
I know what to show
And what to conceal
I know when to talk
And I know when to touch
No one ever died from wanting too much

The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
(但它是個多麼完美的起頭處啊 我的愛)
And if you're strong enoug
Together we can take the world apart, my love
(我們一起就能夠拆毀這世界 愛人)

People like us
Know how to survive
There's no point in living
If you can't feel the life
We know when to kiss
And we know when to kill
If we can't have it all
Then nobody will

The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
(但它是個多麼完美的起頭處啊 我的愛)
And if you're strong enoug
Together we can take the world apart, my love
(我們一起就能夠拆毀這世界 愛人)

I feel safe
I feel scared
I feel ready
And yet unprepared
The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
(但它是個多麼完美的起頭處啊 我的愛)
And if you're strong enoug
Together we can take the world apart, my love
(我們一起就能夠拆毀這世界 愛人)

The world is not enough
The world is not enough
No Nowhere near enough,
(不 連滿足的邊緣都沾不上)
The world is not enough

簡介+心得: 小皮的上一部作品中譯作 "明日帝國" (若直譯為 "明天永遠不會死" 就很像是亂世佳人的續集片名),這一部則譯為 "縱橫天下",倒也貼切。我覺得 Garbage 女主唱把這首歌詮釋得很好,風格也迥異於前一集把要死不活唱得很精彩的 Sheryl Crow。光是 MV 本身就像一部迷你電影,確確實實表達了歌詞的意境。果然龐德歌的格局若只挶限於小家子氣的談情說愛,卻沒有愛到可以毀天滅地,就不夠道地!

電影名: Die Another Day
歌曲名: Die Another Day/Madonna 演唱
歌詞: (舞曲風的歌詞翻了會像神經病...)

I'm gonna wake up, yes and no
I'm gonna kiss some part of
I'm gonna keep this secret
I'm gonna close my body now

I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day

I guess I'll die another day
(Another day)
I guess I'll die another day
(Another day)
I guess I'll die another day
(Another day)
I guess I'll die another day

Sigmund Freud
Analyze this
Analyze this
Analyze this

I'm gonna break the cycle
I'm gonna shake up the system
I'm gonna destroy my ego
I'm gonna close my body now

Uh, uh

I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

For every sin, I'll have to pay
I've come to work, I've come to play
I think I'll find another way
It's not my time to go

I'm gonna avoid the cliche
I'm gonna suspend my senses
I'm gonna delay my pleasure
I'm gonna close my body now

I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day

I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

Uh, uh


I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day

Another day [x6]

簡介+心得: 聽說 Halle Berry 演這集的龐德女郎的時候,我的直覺就是 "她又墮落回在電影'劍魚'裡的花瓶身份了!" 想說她好不容易以 "Monster's Ball" 證明了演技,怎麼又跑回頭去接這個高薪無腦的角色? 沒想到龐德女郎還不是她墮落的谷底,而是開端! 接下來演那什麼從頭到尾光尖叫就演完的 "Gothika"(鬼影人),純賣肉的 "Catwoman"(貓女),還有爆難看的 X-men 第三集! 咳...扯太遠。這部小皮的 007 退休作的主題曲是由風光三十載的高齡性感女神瑪丹娜演唱。許多死忠的龐德迷似乎不能接受這首歌強烈的電音風,但我光看 MV,倒覺得這是首好歌。歌詞無意義就算了,反正舞曲不都是這樣嗎? 瑪丹娜的 "Music" 聽起來也是這個調調啊。嘗試新的主題曲曲風是好事,而且這首歌還是有套弦樂墊底的公式。至於適不適合當龐德主題曲,或許要等到我鼓起勇氣去看了電影再說。

電影名: Casino Royale (2006年)
歌曲名: You Know My Name/Chris Cornell 演唱

If you take a life, do you know what you'll give
(若你奪去一條生命 你可知道代價為何?)
Odds are, you won't like what it is
When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me
(當暴風來臨 他們是否會看見你在我身邊)
By the merciless eyes I've deceived

I've seen angels fall from blinding heights
But you yourself are nothing so divine
Just next in line

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
(武裝你自己 因為這裡沒有人會救你)
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
(你不能拒絕那獎賞; 它可能永遠都不會滿足你)
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins
You know my name

If you come inside, things will not be the same
(若你進來 事情會變得不同)
When you return to my night
If you think you've won
You never saw me change
The game that we have been playing

I've seen diamonds cut through harder men
Than you yourself
but if you must pretend
You may meet your end

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
(武裝你自己 因為這裡沒有人會救你)
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
(你不能拒絕那獎賞; 它可能永遠都不會滿足你)
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins

Try to hide your hand
Forget how to feel
Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
(武裝你自己 因為這裡沒有人會救你)
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
(你不能拒絕那獎賞; 它可能永遠都不會滿足你)
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins
You know my name
(你知道我的名字) x 5

簡介+心得: 2006 發行的 "Casino Royale" 是最新一集的龐德電影。正當影評們不再看好英雄動作片,眾家動作英雄皆已成半退休狀態 (終結者退休當州長,藍波主持拳擊賽,布魯斯威利越演越沒力,凡迪索當奶媽),可稱得上是新一代英雄的都是漫畫裡蹦出來的,Daniel Craig 讓他們的眼睛為之一亮。起初,我對 Daniel Craig 成為新一代 007 抱著懷疑,但看過開頭 10 分鐘那段在半空中吊索的追逐戰,我就改觀了。而為這部電影更添色彩的,就是 Audioslave 跟 Soundgarden 的主唱 Chris Cornell。他那極富爆發力的歌聲,配上現代搖滾風的曲調,和我堅決認為一定要有 "死亡" 關鍵字才夠味的歌詞,注定了這首歌成功的命運 :)

==================== 007 專用分隔線 =======================


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