"TNFA -308 G/A Polymorphism And Asthma In Different Ethnicities: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis",
I.R. Genova, A. Gonçalves-Primoa, D. Soléa and C.K. Naspitza,
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
Volume 119, Issue 1, Supplement 1, January 2007, Page S171
I've only read the abstract. I found this paper while trying to answer my question on whether ethnicity is directly correlated with susceptibility to allergies.
"Elaborate ornaments are costly to maintain: evidence for high maintenance handicaps",
Bruno A. Walthera,b and Dale H. Claytonc,
Behavioral Ecology 2005 16(1):89-95
Linked from wikipedia "high maintenance" page.
"Positional Cloning of Disease Genes: Advantages of Genetic Isolates",
Leena Peltonen,
Human Heredity 2000;50:66-75
A LD study on Finnish isolates.
目前分類:工作筆記 (2)
- Oct 25 Thu 2007 02:17
Interesting articles
- Jul 04 Wed 2007 01:52
[Python] Install fipy
PRENOTE: pysparse installation requires g77, if g77 is not present, follow directions as such:
You do not need to be root to install a gcc that will deliver decent performance for ATLAS. I include below the exact steps I use to install the C compiler only in my own home area. Changing my home area path (given in the --prefix command to configure) to yours should allow you to do the same. These directions are for x86 users, where ATLAS needs gcc 2.95.3 for decent performance. They work pretty much the same for gcc 3.x, which is needed for best ev5/6 and UltraSparc performance. Note that these directions will install g77 as well. The fortran compiler is not needed for ATLAS performance, so if you want to use a different fortran compiler than this version of g77, simply omit f77 from the --enable-languages step.
Download a gcc version previous to 2.96. For this example, I used gcc 2.95.3. Here's the actual tarfile I used, if you wanna rightclick that guy and use it.
Unpack the tarfile on a temporary directory (if you have enough space, and your normal filesystem is NFS, you can save a lot of time by doing this in /tmp) : bunzip2 -c ~/dload/gcc-2.95.3.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
cd gcc-2.95.3
mkdir MyObj ; cd MyObj
../configure --prefix=/home/rwhaley/local/gcc2.95.3 --enable-languages=c,f77
make bootstrap-lean CFLAGS='-O' LIBCFLAGS='-g -O2' LIBCXXFLAGS='-g -O2 -fno-implicit-templates'
make install
You may now delete the entire gcc-2.95.3 directory (created by unpacking the tarfile).
Now, you need to edit your .cshrc or .bashrc to include /home/[you]/local/gcc2.95.3/bin in your path so that ATLAS can find it, source that file, and you are done.
Instructions from fipy