電影名: Diamonds are Forever (1971年)
歌曲名: Diamonds are Forever (又名: 老二之歌!? 詳見下文)/Shirley Bassey 演唱
歌詞: (附無責任翻譯)

Diamonds are forever,
They are all I need to please me,
(有了它們 我便心滿意足)
They can stimulate and tease me,
(它們不會刺激我 取笑我)
They won't leave in the night,
I've no fear that they might desert me.

Diamonds are forever,
Hold one up and then caress it,
Touch it, stroke it and undress it,
(觸碰它 輕撫它 剝去外表)
I can see every part,
Nothing hides in the heart to hurt me.

I don't need love,
For what good will love do me?
Diamonds never lie to me,
For when love's gone,
They'll luster on.

Diamonds are forever,
Sparkling round my little finger.
Unlike men, the diamonds linger;
(和男人不同 鑽石不會殞滅)
Men are mere mortals who
Are not worth going to your grave for.

I don't need love,
For what good will love do me?
Diamonds never lie to me,
For when love's gone,
They'll luster on.

Diamonds are forever, forever, forever.
(鑽石是永遠的 永遠的 永遠的)
Diamonds are forever, forever, forever.
(鑽石是永遠的 永遠的 永遠的)
Forever and ever.
(永遠 永遠)

簡介+心得: 這部電影是小康正式發行的最後一部 007 電影,歌曲是我心目中永遠第一名的 James Bond 演唱曲! Shirley Bassey 小姐把 "Goldfinger" 唱活之後,這回又將血腥鑽石的魔力發揮得淋漓盡致。這首歌該有的靈魂元素一滴也不少: 好編曲 + 好歌詞 + 好歌手。尤其是歌詞 - 不看 "Goldfinger" 就不知道誰是金手指,但不看 "Diamonds are Forever" 也知道女人愛鑽石,不然廣告為什麼要打 "鑽石恆永遠 一顆永流傳"? >o<

讓我很意外的一點是,我在wiki上找資料時看到,編曲者 John Barry 當初在錄音時跟 Shirley Bassey 說 "想像你是在唱關於男人的命根子!"


所以才有...才有..."touch it/stroke it/undress it"(摸它 碰它 剝光它)這種歌詞嗎?

....啊啊啊啊啊~~~!!!! Bassey 小姐我還是寧可相信你在唱鑽石之歌,而不是老二之歌。而且我認為任何男人的命根子都不該永久保存的(發抖)

這首歌被 Kanye West 重新混音過,名為 "Diamonds from Sierra Leone",收錄在 2005 年 "Late Registration" 這張專輯中。只不過他唱的主題比較像是在講電影"血鑽石 (Blood Diamond)"。他在 MV 開頭就寫著:

"鮮少有人知道,獅子山 (Sierra Leone)和鑽石之間的關聯"

電影名: Live and Let Die (1973 年)
歌曲名: Live and Let Die/Paul McCarthy & Wings 演唱
歌詞: (完全沒有翻的動力...)

When you were young and your heart was an open book
You used to say life and let life
(you know you did, you know you did you know you did)
But in this ever changing world in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
Live and let die
Live and let die

What does it matter to ya
When you got a job to do
You gotta do it well
You gotta give the other fellow hell

When you were young and your heart was an open book
You used to say life and let life
(you know you did, you know you did you know you did)
But in this ever changing world in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry

簡介+心得: Roger Moore 的第一部 007 電影。雖然主題曲 "Live and Let Die" 讓 Bond 系列第一次獲奧斯卡最佳歌曲提名,演唱者又是批頭四成員,只能說風格實在跟我想像得差太多。明明配帥氣動作片,為什麼詞曲嘻皮味這麼重? 槍與玫瑰的版本還稍微好一點。歌好是好,但走錯電影了,出局!

電影名: The Man with the Golden Gun
歌曲名: The Man with the Golden Gun/Lulu 演唱
歌詞: (附隨便亂翻的中譯詞)

He has a powerful weapon
He charges a million a shot,
An assassin that's second to none,
The man with the golden gun.

Lurking in some darkened doorway,
Or crouched on a roof top somewhere,
In the next room, or this very one
(在隔鄰的房間 或者根本就在此處)
The man with the golden gun.

Love is required whenever he's hired,
It comes just before the kill.
No-one can catch him, no hit man can match him
(沒有人能抓到他 沒有殺手能比得上他)
For his million dollar skill.

One golden shot means another poor victim,
Has come to a glittering end,
For a price, he'll erase anyone
(只要開出價碼 他可以抹殺任何目標)
The man with the golden gun.

His eye may be on you or me.
(他可能正注視著你 或是我)
Who will he bang?
We shall see. Oh yeah!
(我們很快就會知道 是的!)

Love is required whenever he's hired,
It comes just before the kill.
No-one can catch him, no hit man can match him
(沒有人能抓到他 沒有殺手能比得上他)
For his million dollar skill.

One golden shot means another poor victim,
Has come to a glittering end,
For a price, he'll erase anyone
(只要開出價碼 他可以抹殺任何目標)
The man with the golden gun.

簡介+心得: 這是一部好演員 (Roger Moore 第二回扮龐德) + 好編曲家 (一如走來幾乎始終如一的 John Barry) + 名歌手 (Lulu 當時是大紅大紫的歌手) 也拯救不了的電影/歌曲。連 John Barry 自己都承認他寫曲時沒靈感,討厭死了這首歌 XDD 總覺得這首歌試圖重現 "Goldfinger" 的排場 (這次反派主角也跟黃金沾上邊,只是鍍金的不是他的手指...),但是模仿不到家,也缺乏原創。看看歌詞,好像是想要描繪一個讓人又愛又恨的壞蛋,卻流於庸俗,氣勢軟弱。可惜,可惜。

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