
電影名: The Spy who Loved Me (1977 年)
歌曲名: Nobody does it better/Carly Simon 演唱
歌詞: (附譯)

Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, you're the best
(寶貝 你是最棒的)

I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me
(我無意追尋 但你不知怎的找到了我)
I tried to hide from your love light
But like Heaven above me
The spy who loved me
Is keeping all my secrets safe tonight

And nobody does it better
Though sometimes I wish someone could
Nobody does it quite the way you do
Why'd you have to be so good?

The way that you hold me
Whenever you hold me
There's some kind of magic inside you
That keeps me from running
But just keep it coming
How'd you learn to do the things you do?

And nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, baby, darlin', you're the best...
(寶貝 寶貝 親愛的 你是最棒的) x 6

簡介+心得: 此片中文片名譯作 "海底城"。雖然中譯名會讓我聯想到小叮噹的長篇大冒險,可是如果從英文片名直譯為 "愛我的間諜",那聽起來可十足像個 B 級片,讓人勾不起胃口。此片的歌也是第一首打破歌名與電影同名規則的龐德主題曲。第一次聽時,我只覺得跟 "Live and Let Die" 犯了同樣的毛病: 走錯電影。但如果想像這是龐德女郎向龐德唱的情歌,嗯,雖稍嫌溫柔了點(龐德女郎應該是冷豔型的性感美女啊),靠 "愛我的間諜/今晚會守護我所有的祕密" 這句,再考慮到電影劇情,就合情合理許多。

僅管如此,這首歌還是紅得超出我想像。不過就是首浪漫詠嘆調,難道是因為有 007 光環加持的緣故,不但頻頻出現在電影中 (促成布裘戀的 "史密斯夫婦" ,柯波拉女兒成名作 "愛情不用翻譯",還有 "BJ 單身日記"),在美國電影協會的百大經典名曲中排名 67,連 Radiohead 主唱都說這是世上最性感的歌? 還是說,我有浪漫不耐症,所以除非情歌裡有提到殺手/槍/死亡,我就不會為之神魂顛倒...?


電影名: Moonraker (1979年)
歌曲名: Moonraker/Shirley Bassey 演唱
歌詞: (中譯獻給我最愛的 Bassey 小姐!)

Where are you? Why do you hide?
(你身在何方? 你為何躲藏?)
Where is that moonlight trail that leads to your side?
Just like the Moonraker goes in search of his dream of gold,
I search for love, for someone to have and hold.
(我尋求愛 尋求一個人讓我擁有)
I've seen your smile in a thousand dreams,
Felt your touch and it always seems
(感覺到你的觸碰 每次都讓我覺得)
You love me,
You love me.

Where are you? When will we meet?
(你身在何方? 我們何時會相見?)
Take my unfinished life and make it complete.
Just like the Moonraker knows his dream will come true someday,
I know that you are only a kiss away.
(我知道你和我之間 僅隔著一個親吻的距離)

I've seen your smile in a thousand dreams,
Felt your touch and it always seems
(感覺到你的觸碰 每次都讓我覺得)
You love me,
You love me.

簡介+心得: Roger Moore 四度化身帥死人不償命的 007 (他可是有殺人執照的)! 其他的英雄能上天下海,穿雲入地,他也能。既然在上一集潛入海底打鯊魚,這回當然要飛上太空打月亮! 而 Bassey 小姐也三度為龐德獻...聲! 這回她不再警告女孩們要小心金手指,也不再歌頌鑽石的忠誠,而放柔了嗓音,化身滿懷旖旎浪漫的少女,對著夜空高掛的月亮吟唱。John Barry 在 "金槍人" 一曲跌了個大跤,這回可站了個穩實,踢開從第一代龐德電影就緊擁的大聲公銅管,擁抱弦樂,配以短促清亮的三角鐵,織出摘月人憨傻但可愛的夢想。總結一句: 就是好聽。

電影名: For Your Eyes Only
歌曲名: For Your Eyes Only/Sheena Easton
歌詞: (...)

For your eyes only, can see me through the night.
For your eyes only I never need to hide.
You can see so much in me, so much in me that's new.
I never felt until I looked at you.
For your eyes only, only for you.
You'll see what no-one else can see, and now I'm breaking free.
For your eyes only, only for you.
The love I know you need in me, the fantasy you've freed in me.
Only for you, only for you.

For your eyes only, the nights are never cold.
You really know me, that's all I need to know.
Maybe I'm an open book because I know you're mine.
But you won't need to read between the lines.

For your eyes only, only for you.
You see what no-one else can see, and now I'm breaking free.
For your eyes only, only for you.
The passions that collide in me, the wild abandoned side of me.
Only for you, for your eyes only.

簡介+心得: 我不管 Roger Moore 在這部我還沒看過的電影裡有多帥,或者歌詞意境和我不知道的劇情有多貼合 - 這首歌如果現在才發行,且沒有套上龐德主題曲的光環,我要是聽見電台打這首歌,一定會立刻轉台。是說,這首歌有這麼難聽嗎? 不,相反地,一首歌如果難聽到不可思議的境界,我還會乖乖把它聽過一遍,好了解它為什麼這麼可怕 (就跟在好萊塢電影台看超無厘頭恐怖片也是種樂趣一樣)。但這首歌,不難聽也不好聽,沒有可取之處。


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