電影名: License to Kill (1989年)
歌曲名: License to Kill/Gladys Knight 演唱

Hey baby, thought you were the one who tried to run away.
(嘿 寶貝 我以為你才是想要逃走的那個人)
Ohh, baby, wasn't I the one who made you want to stay?
(噢 寶貝 你不是為了我才留下的嗎?)
Please don't bet that you'll ever escape me
Once I get my sights on you.
(一旦我將目光放在你身上 那就沒有可能)

Got a license to kill (to kill)
And you know I'm going straight for your heart.
Got a license to kill (to kill)
(我有殺人執照 可以殺死)
Anyone who tries to tear us apart.
License to kill.

Hey baby, think you need a friend to stand here by your side?
(嘿 寶貝 覺得你需要有個站在你身旁的朋友嗎?)
Yes you do (your side)
(是 你是需要)
Ohh, baby, now you can depend on me to make things right (things right)
(噢 寶貝 現在你可以仰賴我把事情搞定)
Please don't bet that you'll ever escape me
Once I get my sights on you.
(一旦我將目光放在你身上 那就沒有可能)

Got a license to kill (to kill)
And you know I'm going straight for your heart.
Got a license to kill (to kill)
(我有殺人執照 可以殺死)
Anyone who tries to tear us apart.
License to kill.

Say that somebody tries to make a move on you
(想說 要是有人試圖動你一根汗毛)
In the blink of an eye, I will be there too
(一眨眼的瞬間 我就會出現)
And they better know why I'm gonna make them 'em pay
Till their dying day
(到他們死亡的那日為止) x 3

* 重複

簡介+心得: 這首歌若開頭第 15 秒沒有加入 "金手指" 主題曲的經典和弦,就會跟 Duran Duran "A View to Kill" 拿掉 John Barry 趁亂混進去的銅管叭叭叭三聲一樣,沒有龐德味。但就算曲調脫去龐德風,就算歌詞不要強調可合法殺人,"License to Kill" 也還是會是一首琅琅上口的好歌。但如果拿此歌和六年後小皮出道作的主題曲 "Goldeneye" 比較,嗯,我覺得黃金眼略勝一籌。

電影名: Goldeneye (1995年)
歌曲名: Goldeneye/Tina Turner 演唱

See reflections on the water
More than darkness in the depths
See him surface and never a shadow
(他浮出水面 卻沒有影子)
On the wind I feel his breath

Golden eye, I found his weakness
(黃金眼 我發現他的弱點了)
Golden eye, he'll do what I please
(黃金眼 會滿足我所有的要求)
Golden eye, no time for sweetness
(黃金眼 沒有容納溫柔的空間)
But a bitter kiss will bring him to his knees

You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child
You'll never know how it feels to be the one who's left behind
You'll never know the days and nights, the tears, the tears I've cried
(你永遠不會知道我過去的日日夜夜 和 所曾流下的眼淚)
But now my time has come and time, time is not on your side
(但現在我的時刻已到來 而時間 時間並不眷顧你)

See him move through smoke and mirrors
Feel his presence in the crowd
Other girls they gather around him
If I had him I wouldn't let him out
(若我得到他 我不會放手)

Golden eye, not lace or leather
(黃金眼 不是蕾絲或皮革)
Golden chain take him to the spot
(黃金鎖鍊 帶他上場)
Golden eye, I'll show him forever
(黃金眼 我會叫他永遠知道)
It'll take forever to see what I've got
(要讓他知道我的本事 得花上永恆)

You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child
You'll never know how it feels to get so close and be denied
It's a gold and honey trap I've got for you tonight
(今晚我為你準備了陷阱 以黃金和蜂蜜)
Revenge is a kiss this time I won't miss
Now I've got you in my sight

With a golden eye
Golden, golden eye
(黃金 黃金眼)
With a golden eye, golden eye
(擁有黃金眼 黃金眼)

簡介+心得: 皮爾斯布洛斯南首次接任 007 的電影主題曲 "Goldeneye" (反正,龐德電影片名不是跟殺人有關,就是要有黃金鑽石) 是由搖滾天后 Tina Turner 獻聲。本來看到作曲家是 U2 的 Bono,我還以為會是像最新龐德主題曲 "You Know My Name" 一樣用電吉他開場,結果還是以弦樂為枝芽,銅管作綠葉,人聲開紅花。此歌歌詞我翻得一頭霧水,但等發現 "黃金眼" 根本不是壞蛋名,而是個衛星武器系統,就不由得嘆服作詞者強掰的功力。我私自覺得同樣帶有搖滾味道,Tina Turner 的 "Goldeneye" 要比 Gladys Knight 的 "License to Kill" 要耐聽。

"黃金眼" 除了是小皮第一次以龐德身分亮相,也是曾經一部電影出場十一分鐘就抱走奧斯卡最佳女配角的 Judi Dench 擔任 M 的第一次。我想製作人當初也沒料到女性的 M 會這麼對觀眾胃口吧? 受歡迎到小皮都卸任了,她還是作她的 M。


電影名: Tomorrow Never Dies
歌曲名: Tomorrow Never Dies/Sheryl Crow 演唱

Darling I'm killed
(親愛的 我被殺死了)
I'm in a puddle on the floor
Waiting for you to return
Oh what a thrill
(哦 多麼令人顫慄)
Fascinations galore
How you tease
How you leave me to burn
It's so deadly my dear
(我親愛的 致命的是)
The power of having you near

Until the day
Until the world falls away
Until you say there'll be no more goodbyes
I see it in your eyes
Tomorrow never dies

Darling you've won
(親愛的 你贏了)
It's no fun
Martinis, girls, and guns
(馬丁尼 女孩 和槍)
It's murder on our love affair
But you bet your life
Every night
While you chase in the morning light
You're not the only spy out there
It's so deadly my dear
(我親愛的 致命的是)
The power of wanting you near


簡介+心得: 這是僅次於 Shirley Bassey 和 Tina Turner,我最喜愛的由女性演唱的龐德主題曲,後頭緊追著的是垃圾樂團的 "The World is not Enough"。Sheryl Crow 的唱腔不同於 Shirley Bassey 的靈魂樂唱法,也沒有 Tina Turner 的搖滾力量。她開始唱的時候,聽來有種近乎病態的傭懶,但這份無力感,正好迎合了歌詞的起頭 "親愛的/我被殺死了"。試想有哪個女人倒在血泊中還會唱得精神抖擻,中氣十足的?


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