

這個禮拜工作得很少。實在是不應該,可我就厭厭的沒心情。明明手上累積了近五十份的期中考考卷,下禮拜學生們又有新的 project,Zymo 的 Jim 也終於約好要見面 (老實說,平白收到一張支票卻沒做太多事讓我很良心不安),Larry 那邊的工作也得加緊才行。可我...或許就是自開學來繃得太緊了,只是悶悶地聽著歌,看看小說,把工作量減到了最低。

不過,現在覺得好些了。我想趁這週末,該好好的給它睡上一覺 - 乾脆就把禮拜天整天拿來睡覺跟打掃吧。家裡也很久沒掃了,壞掉的吸塵器也該拿去修理。

唉,說到打掃,就不得不小小埋怨我那一對正值熱戀期的室友。他們人雖善良,對環境整潔的容忍度實在較我低太多了。廚房垃圾都是堆到滿天高才去倒,上回我發憤洗了碗盤差點沒昏倒 - 老天! 我們家碗盤刀叉不知有多少,他們竟然可以全部用光,還不洗! 打開洗碗機(這沒在用的,因為洗不乾淨),看到那不知積了多久的油污,心裡一陣發寒哪。暑假時我閒著,每兩天就會幫他們洗盤子,開學後我忙,常不回去睡,也不在家裡吃,就沒機會去清。每次洗著我心裡都要咕囔: 現在就這樣,將來這兩個要是單獨搬出去住,最好是有錢請鐘點女傭! :P

從前我一直以為自己生活習慣已經夠不好,夠偷懶了。沒想到還有人可以勝過我(嘆) 我可以忍受東西亂丟,但我不能忍受會滋生蚊蟲的碗盤擺著。怪不得我家蜘蛛這麼多,貓兒子們永遠都不缺玩具!

(to be contd...大概)

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"TNFA -308 G/A Polymorphism And Asthma In Different Ethnicities: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis",
I.R. Genova, A. Gonçalves-Primoa, D. Soléa and C.K. Naspitza,
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
Volume 119, Issue 1, Supplement 1, January 2007, Page S171

I've only read the abstract. I found this paper while trying to answer my question on whether ethnicity is directly correlated with susceptibility to allergies.

"Elaborate ornaments are costly to maintain: evidence for high maintenance handicaps",
Bruno A. Walthera,b and Dale H. Claytonc,
Behavioral Ecology 2005 16(1):89-95

Linked from wikipedia "high maintenance" page.

"Positional Cloning of Disease Genes: Advantages of Genetic Isolates",
Leena Peltonen,
Human Heredity 2000;50:66-75

A LD study on Finnish isolates.

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這學期還是繼續幫 Larry 做 research,但是因為我沒先跟 ISB 橋好(也是因為覺得沒時間幫他們做事),所以還是弄了個 TA,所以得教大學部的 database。老實說到目前為止我還滿喜歡當這門課的 TA,學生們態度都很好也很自動自發 - 畢竟都已經修到 400-level 的課了。另外我也打算修三學期一連貫的 BioStat 課。這門課的講師是以前就聽聞過的 Elizabeth Thompson。我不知道她是哪兒出生的,但她絕對有英國或是澳洲口音! Thompson 人非常慈善,用詞文雅幽默,又是生物統計的權威,上她的課真是一種享受 >///<

本來打算要順道旁聽 graphical models 這門,但自從我在 10/1 那個禮拜很鳥的發現我把 APBC 的 CRC deadline 搞錯,我就放棄了。要聽,除非我一天有 48 小時吧。

說到 APBC 這件事我就覺得我很強。本來我以為 APBC 的 deadline 是 10/17 (paper 已經上了,可是要準備 camera ready 的版本),還想說等一個禮拜前再趕工就好了,誰想到在 10/1 晚上,就收到 APBC 說 "容我們友善地提醒您~10/3 是deadline哦~^^~"。


然後接下來一直到週五我每天都趕工到深夜。更不巧的是我家 I 先生剛好也碰到獎學金 deadline。他的故事也很妙: 他在 deadline 前兩週收到 program coodinator 的信說 "聽說你獲 MSR 獎學金提名! 恭喜! 請幫相關資料給我 blah blah..."

他就也是瞬間呆到: 啥?

然後接下來他每天比我更晚睡 :-(

這實在很糟,因為我忙的時候他還是可以拍拍我肩膀,說聲 "你加油吧!" 就睡成死豬。可是他在那邊敲鍵盤敲到凌晨兩三點,我這個對光跟聲音超敏感 (最近有變嚴重的趨勢) 的可憐人就完全睡不著!!!! 好幾次我覺得我都快要爆發了 - 不,事實上,過去幾個星期來我火山爆發了好幾次,而他當然是被熔岩燙得慘兮兮。

所謂福無雙至禍不單行,在他忙著 application 的時候,他的外公去世了,依照猶太人的習慣,隔天就下葬 (不想等個七七四十九天是吧...),所以他沒趕上,拖到上禮拜五才去看他外婆。而今天 - 隔了一週的禮拜五 - 他剛又飛去巴西開 conference...不公平啊啊啊啊 >_<~~~ 為什麼我就要被囚禁在冷死人又老是下雨的西雅圖,他去 Cincinnati 就碰到超溫暖的氣候,現在又要去巴西!


幸好我下禮拜要去 Florida 參加 Grace Hopper。我要 party! 我要穿漂亮的衣服! >,<



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電影名: The World Is Not Enough (1999年)
歌曲名: The World Is Not Enough/Garbage 演唱

I know how to hurt
I know how to heal
I know what to show
And what to conceal
I know when to talk
And I know when to touch
No one ever died from wanting too much

The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
(但它是個多麼完美的起頭處啊 我的愛)
And if you're strong enoug
Together we can take the world apart, my love
(我們一起就能夠拆毀這世界 愛人)

People like us
Know how to survive
There's no point in living
If you can't feel the life
We know when to kiss
And we know when to kill
If we can't have it all
Then nobody will

The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
(但它是個多麼完美的起頭處啊 我的愛)
And if you're strong enoug
Together we can take the world apart, my love
(我們一起就能夠拆毀這世界 愛人)

I feel safe
I feel scared
I feel ready
And yet unprepared
The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
(但它是個多麼完美的起頭處啊 我的愛)
And if you're strong enoug
Together we can take the world apart, my love
(我們一起就能夠拆毀這世界 愛人)

The world is not enough
The world is not enough
No Nowhere near enough,
(不 連滿足的邊緣都沾不上)
The world is not enough

簡介+心得: 小皮的上一部作品中譯作 "明日帝國" (若直譯為 "明天永遠不會死" 就很像是亂世佳人的續集片名),這一部則譯為 "縱橫天下",倒也貼切。我覺得 Garbage 女主唱把這首歌詮釋得很好,風格也迥異於前一集把要死不活唱得很精彩的 Sheryl Crow。光是 MV 本身就像一部迷你電影,確確實實表達了歌詞的意境。果然龐德歌的格局若只挶限於小家子氣的談情說愛,卻沒有愛到可以毀天滅地,就不夠道地!

電影名: Die Another Day
歌曲名: Die Another Day/Madonna 演唱
歌詞: (舞曲風的歌詞翻了會像神經病...)

I'm gonna wake up, yes and no
I'm gonna kiss some part of
I'm gonna keep this secret
I'm gonna close my body now

I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess, die another day

I guess I'll die another day
(Another day)
I guess I'll die another day
(Another day)
I guess I'll die another day
(Another day)
I guess I'll die another day

Sigmund Freud
Analyze this
Analyze this
Analyze this

I'm gonna break the cycle
I'm gonna shake up the system
I'm gonna destroy my ego
I'm gonna close my body now

Uh, uh

I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

For every sin, I'll have to pay
I've come to work, I've come to play
I think I'll find another way
It's not my time to go

I'm gonna avoid the cliche
I'm gonna suspend my senses
I'm gonna delay my pleasure
I'm gonna close my body now

I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day

I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

Uh, uh


I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess, die another day
I guess I'll die another day

Another day [x6]

簡介+心得: 聽說 Halle Berry 演這集的龐德女郎的時候,我的直覺就是 "她又墮落回在電影'劍魚'裡的花瓶身份了!" 想說她好不容易以 "Monster's Ball" 證明了演技,怎麼又跑回頭去接這個高薪無腦的角色? 沒想到龐德女郎還不是她墮落的谷底,而是開端! 接下來演那什麼從頭到尾光尖叫就演完的 "Gothika"(鬼影人),純賣肉的 "Catwoman"(貓女),還有爆難看的 X-men 第三集! 咳...扯太遠。這部小皮的 007 退休作的主題曲是由風光三十載的高齡性感女神瑪丹娜演唱。許多死忠的龐德迷似乎不能接受這首歌強烈的電音風,但我光看 MV,倒覺得這是首好歌。歌詞無意義就算了,反正舞曲不都是這樣嗎? 瑪丹娜的 "Music" 聽起來也是這個調調啊。嘗試新的主題曲曲風是好事,而且這首歌還是有套弦樂墊底的公式。至於適不適合當龐德主題曲,或許要等到我鼓起勇氣去看了電影再說。

電影名: Casino Royale (2006年)
歌曲名: You Know My Name/Chris Cornell 演唱

If you take a life, do you know what you'll give
(若你奪去一條生命 你可知道代價為何?)
Odds are, you won't like what it is
When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me
(當暴風來臨 他們是否會看見你在我身邊)
By the merciless eyes I've deceived

I've seen angels fall from blinding heights
But you yourself are nothing so divine
Just next in line

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
(武裝你自己 因為這裡沒有人會救你)
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
(你不能拒絕那獎賞; 它可能永遠都不會滿足你)
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins
You know my name

If you come inside, things will not be the same
(若你進來 事情會變得不同)
When you return to my night
If you think you've won
You never saw me change
The game that we have been playing

I've seen diamonds cut through harder men
Than you yourself
but if you must pretend
You may meet your end

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
(武裝你自己 因為這裡沒有人會救你)
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
(你不能拒絕那獎賞; 它可能永遠都不會滿足你)
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins

Try to hide your hand
Forget how to feel
Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
(武裝你自己 因為這裡沒有人會救你)
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
(你不能拒絕那獎賞; 它可能永遠都不會滿足你)
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins
You know my name
(你知道我的名字) x 5

簡介+心得: 2006 發行的 "Casino Royale" 是最新一集的龐德電影。正當影評們不再看好英雄動作片,眾家動作英雄皆已成半退休狀態 (終結者退休當州長,藍波主持拳擊賽,布魯斯威利越演越沒力,凡迪索當奶媽),可稱得上是新一代英雄的都是漫畫裡蹦出來的,Daniel Craig 讓他們的眼睛為之一亮。起初,我對 Daniel Craig 成為新一代 007 抱著懷疑,但看過開頭 10 分鐘那段在半空中吊索的追逐戰,我就改觀了。而為這部電影更添色彩的,就是 Audioslave 跟 Soundgarden 的主唱 Chris Cornell。他那極富爆發力的歌聲,配上現代搖滾風的曲調,和我堅決認為一定要有 "死亡" 關鍵字才夠味的歌詞,注定了這首歌成功的命運 :)

==================== 007 專用分隔線 =======================


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電影名: License to Kill (1989年)
歌曲名: License to Kill/Gladys Knight 演唱

Hey baby, thought you were the one who tried to run away.
(嘿 寶貝 我以為你才是想要逃走的那個人)
Ohh, baby, wasn't I the one who made you want to stay?
(噢 寶貝 你不是為了我才留下的嗎?)
Please don't bet that you'll ever escape me
Once I get my sights on you.
(一旦我將目光放在你身上 那就沒有可能)

Got a license to kill (to kill)
And you know I'm going straight for your heart.
Got a license to kill (to kill)
(我有殺人執照 可以殺死)
Anyone who tries to tear us apart.
License to kill.

Hey baby, think you need a friend to stand here by your side?
(嘿 寶貝 覺得你需要有個站在你身旁的朋友嗎?)
Yes you do (your side)
(是 你是需要)
Ohh, baby, now you can depend on me to make things right (things right)
(噢 寶貝 現在你可以仰賴我把事情搞定)
Please don't bet that you'll ever escape me
Once I get my sights on you.
(一旦我將目光放在你身上 那就沒有可能)

Got a license to kill (to kill)
And you know I'm going straight for your heart.
Got a license to kill (to kill)
(我有殺人執照 可以殺死)
Anyone who tries to tear us apart.
License to kill.

Say that somebody tries to make a move on you
(想說 要是有人試圖動你一根汗毛)
In the blink of an eye, I will be there too
(一眨眼的瞬間 我就會出現)
And they better know why I'm gonna make them 'em pay
Till their dying day
(到他們死亡的那日為止) x 3

* 重複

簡介+心得: 這首歌若開頭第 15 秒沒有加入 "金手指" 主題曲的經典和弦,就會跟 Duran Duran "A View to Kill" 拿掉 John Barry 趁亂混進去的銅管叭叭叭三聲一樣,沒有龐德味。但就算曲調脫去龐德風,就算歌詞不要強調可合法殺人,"License to Kill" 也還是會是一首琅琅上口的好歌。但如果拿此歌和六年後小皮出道作的主題曲 "Goldeneye" 比較,嗯,我覺得黃金眼略勝一籌。

電影名: Goldeneye (1995年)
歌曲名: Goldeneye/Tina Turner 演唱

See reflections on the water
More than darkness in the depths
See him surface and never a shadow
(他浮出水面 卻沒有影子)
On the wind I feel his breath

Golden eye, I found his weakness
(黃金眼 我發現他的弱點了)
Golden eye, he'll do what I please
(黃金眼 會滿足我所有的要求)
Golden eye, no time for sweetness
(黃金眼 沒有容納溫柔的空間)
But a bitter kiss will bring him to his knees

You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child
You'll never know how it feels to be the one who's left behind
You'll never know the days and nights, the tears, the tears I've cried
(你永遠不會知道我過去的日日夜夜 和 所曾流下的眼淚)
But now my time has come and time, time is not on your side
(但現在我的時刻已到來 而時間 時間並不眷顧你)

See him move through smoke and mirrors
Feel his presence in the crowd
Other girls they gather around him
If I had him I wouldn't let him out
(若我得到他 我不會放手)

Golden eye, not lace or leather
(黃金眼 不是蕾絲或皮革)
Golden chain take him to the spot
(黃金鎖鍊 帶他上場)
Golden eye, I'll show him forever
(黃金眼 我會叫他永遠知道)
It'll take forever to see what I've got
(要讓他知道我的本事 得花上永恆)

You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child
You'll never know how it feels to get so close and be denied
It's a gold and honey trap I've got for you tonight
(今晚我為你準備了陷阱 以黃金和蜂蜜)
Revenge is a kiss this time I won't miss
Now I've got you in my sight

With a golden eye
Golden, golden eye
(黃金 黃金眼)
With a golden eye, golden eye
(擁有黃金眼 黃金眼)

簡介+心得: 皮爾斯布洛斯南首次接任 007 的電影主題曲 "Goldeneye" (反正,龐德電影片名不是跟殺人有關,就是要有黃金鑽石) 是由搖滾天后 Tina Turner 獻聲。本來看到作曲家是 U2 的 Bono,我還以為會是像最新龐德主題曲 "You Know My Name" 一樣用電吉他開場,結果還是以弦樂為枝芽,銅管作綠葉,人聲開紅花。此歌歌詞我翻得一頭霧水,但等發現 "黃金眼" 根本不是壞蛋名,而是個衛星武器系統,就不由得嘆服作詞者強掰的功力。我私自覺得同樣帶有搖滾味道,Tina Turner 的 "Goldeneye" 要比 Gladys Knight 的 "License to Kill" 要耐聽。

"黃金眼" 除了是小皮第一次以龐德身分亮相,也是曾經一部電影出場十一分鐘就抱走奧斯卡最佳女配角的 Judi Dench 擔任 M 的第一次。我想製作人當初也沒料到女性的 M 會這麼對觀眾胃口吧? 受歡迎到小皮都卸任了,她還是作她的 M。


電影名: Tomorrow Never Dies
歌曲名: Tomorrow Never Dies/Sheryl Crow 演唱

Darling I'm killed
(親愛的 我被殺死了)
I'm in a puddle on the floor
Waiting for you to return
Oh what a thrill
(哦 多麼令人顫慄)
Fascinations galore
How you tease
How you leave me to burn
It's so deadly my dear
(我親愛的 致命的是)
The power of having you near

Until the day
Until the world falls away
Until you say there'll be no more goodbyes
I see it in your eyes
Tomorrow never dies

Darling you've won
(親愛的 你贏了)
It's no fun
Martinis, girls, and guns
(馬丁尼 女孩 和槍)
It's murder on our love affair
But you bet your life
Every night
While you chase in the morning light
You're not the only spy out there
It's so deadly my dear
(我親愛的 致命的是)
The power of wanting you near


簡介+心得: 這是僅次於 Shirley Bassey 和 Tina Turner,我最喜愛的由女性演唱的龐德主題曲,後頭緊追著的是垃圾樂團的 "The World is not Enough"。Sheryl Crow 的唱腔不同於 Shirley Bassey 的靈魂樂唱法,也沒有 Tina Turner 的搖滾力量。她開始唱的時候,聽來有種近乎病態的傭懶,但這份無力感,正好迎合了歌詞的起頭 "親愛的/我被殺死了"。試想有哪個女人倒在血泊中還會唱得精神抖擻,中氣十足的?

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電影名: Octopussy (1983年)
歌曲名: All Time High/Rita Coolidge 演唱

All I wanted was a sweet distraction for an hour or two
Had no intention to do the things we've done
Funny how it always goes with love, when you don't look, you find
But then we're two of a kind, we move as one

We're in all time high
We'll change all that's gone before
Doing so much more than falling in love
On an all time high

We'll take on the world and wait
So hold on tight, let the flight begin

I don't want to waste a waking moment; I don't want to sleep
I'm in so strong and so deep, and so are you
In my time I've said these words before, but now I realize
My heart was telling me lies, for your they're true

We're an all time high
We'll change all that's gone before
Doing so much more than falling in love
On an all time high
We'll take on the world and wait
So hold on tight, let the flight begin

So hold on tight, let the flight begin
We're an all time high

簡介+心得: 雖然我很高興作曲家 John Barry 和 Tim Rice 沒有試著把電影名 "八爪女" 硬塞進歌詞裡 (如果他們真能做到,還能聽起來不像是海鮮食品的主題歌,我會拜服得五股投地),這首歌聽起來就只是首 80年代口水情歌。沒有什麼不好的,但也沒什麼特別好的。

電影名: A View to a Kill (1985年)
歌曲名: A View to a Kill/Duran Duran 演唱
歌詞: 不知道為什麼,我找不到正確的歌詞,所以不附上 :(

簡介+心得: 據說,這部電影被批得很慘的主題曲之所以會找 Duran Duran 來合作,是因為 Duran Duran 的貝斯手在某個 party 上半帶著醉意跟 007 系列製作人說: "喂,你什麼時候才會找個像樣的人來作龐德電影的主題曲啊?" 放了大話,當然就得證明本事,而 Duran Duran 確實沒有辜負他們的名聲。這首歌有鮮豔的 Duran Duran 色彩,雖然 John Barry 在編曲上參了一腳,但我想他的貢獻大概就是加上那三連音的銅管和弦,確保這還有龐德的正字標記吧?

電影名: The Living Daylights (1987年)
歌曲名: The Living Daylights/A-ha 演唱

Hey driver, where are we going?
(嘿 司機 我們要去哪裡?)
I swear, my nerves are showing
(我發誓 我有些神經緊繃了)
Set my hopes up way too high
The living's in the way we die

Comes the morning and the headlights fade away
(白晝到來 街燈暗滅)
Hundred thousand people, I'm the one they blame
(世上有千萬個人 他們偏偏只怪我)
I've been waiting long for one of us to say
(我已等待許久 盼我們之中有一個人會說)
Save the darkness, let it never fade away
(挽留黑暗 永不讓它散去)

Ooohh, the living daylights
Ooohh, the living daylights (the living daylights)

Alright, hold on tight now,
(好 抓緊了)
It's down, down to the wire
Get your hopes up way too high
The living's in the way we die


簡介+心得: 這是 Timothy Dalton 的 007 處女作。我個人認為他的帥勁比不上 007 始祖的史恩康納萊和繼承小康靈魂的 Roger Moore。"The Living Daylights" 中譯片名似乎是 "黎明殺機",就一個除了英文之外根本沒有意義的片名來說,算是譯得不錯了。(歌詞就別管了...活著的白晝? 當然狗屁不通!) 有了 Duran Duran "A View to a Kill" 的成功案例,電影製作人挑上當時正紅的流行團體 A-ha 來寫歌。這首歌有兩個版本,一個是 A-ha 自己寫的原味曲,一個是 John Barry 撒上龐德香料的(笑)。我想我找到的應該是 John Barry 加持過的。我喜歡這首歌的編曲,也認為 A-ha 相當盡職。真要說有什麼不愛的,就是覺得歌詞意味含混不清,而 A-ha 也唱得有些口齒不清(從網上歌詞版本眾多便可知)。若非如此,便是我沒領會 80年代填詞的精髓。

哪天若有機會,我或許會想去聽原聲帶。這可是 John Barry 第一次為整部電影操刀,且片中插曲還請來我認為寫歌功力不錯的 The Pretenders。

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電影名: The Spy who Loved Me (1977 年)
歌曲名: Nobody does it better/Carly Simon 演唱
歌詞: (附譯)

Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, you're the best
(寶貝 你是最棒的)

I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me
(我無意追尋 但你不知怎的找到了我)
I tried to hide from your love light
But like Heaven above me
The spy who loved me
Is keeping all my secrets safe tonight

And nobody does it better
Though sometimes I wish someone could
Nobody does it quite the way you do
Why'd you have to be so good?

The way that you hold me
Whenever you hold me
There's some kind of magic inside you
That keeps me from running
But just keep it coming
How'd you learn to do the things you do?

And nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, baby, darlin', you're the best...
(寶貝 寶貝 親愛的 你是最棒的) x 6

簡介+心得: 此片中文片名譯作 "海底城"。雖然中譯名會讓我聯想到小叮噹的長篇大冒險,可是如果從英文片名直譯為 "愛我的間諜",那聽起來可十足像個 B 級片,讓人勾不起胃口。此片的歌也是第一首打破歌名與電影同名規則的龐德主題曲。第一次聽時,我只覺得跟 "Live and Let Die" 犯了同樣的毛病: 走錯電影。但如果想像這是龐德女郎向龐德唱的情歌,嗯,雖稍嫌溫柔了點(龐德女郎應該是冷豔型的性感美女啊),靠 "愛我的間諜/今晚會守護我所有的祕密" 這句,再考慮到電影劇情,就合情合理許多。

僅管如此,這首歌還是紅得超出我想像。不過就是首浪漫詠嘆調,難道是因為有 007 光環加持的緣故,不但頻頻出現在電影中 (促成布裘戀的 "史密斯夫婦" ,柯波拉女兒成名作 "愛情不用翻譯",還有 "BJ 單身日記"),在美國電影協會的百大經典名曲中排名 67,連 Radiohead 主唱都說這是世上最性感的歌? 還是說,我有浪漫不耐症,所以除非情歌裡有提到殺手/槍/死亡,我就不會為之神魂顛倒...?


電影名: Moonraker (1979年)
歌曲名: Moonraker/Shirley Bassey 演唱
歌詞: (中譯獻給我最愛的 Bassey 小姐!)

Where are you? Why do you hide?
(你身在何方? 你為何躲藏?)
Where is that moonlight trail that leads to your side?
Just like the Moonraker goes in search of his dream of gold,
I search for love, for someone to have and hold.
(我尋求愛 尋求一個人讓我擁有)
I've seen your smile in a thousand dreams,
Felt your touch and it always seems
(感覺到你的觸碰 每次都讓我覺得)
You love me,
You love me.

Where are you? When will we meet?
(你身在何方? 我們何時會相見?)
Take my unfinished life and make it complete.
Just like the Moonraker knows his dream will come true someday,
I know that you are only a kiss away.
(我知道你和我之間 僅隔著一個親吻的距離)

I've seen your smile in a thousand dreams,
Felt your touch and it always seems
(感覺到你的觸碰 每次都讓我覺得)
You love me,
You love me.

簡介+心得: Roger Moore 四度化身帥死人不償命的 007 (他可是有殺人執照的)! 其他的英雄能上天下海,穿雲入地,他也能。既然在上一集潛入海底打鯊魚,這回當然要飛上太空打月亮! 而 Bassey 小姐也三度為龐德獻...聲! 這回她不再警告女孩們要小心金手指,也不再歌頌鑽石的忠誠,而放柔了嗓音,化身滿懷旖旎浪漫的少女,對著夜空高掛的月亮吟唱。John Barry 在 "金槍人" 一曲跌了個大跤,這回可站了個穩實,踢開從第一代龐德電影就緊擁的大聲公銅管,擁抱弦樂,配以短促清亮的三角鐵,織出摘月人憨傻但可愛的夢想。總結一句: 就是好聽。

電影名: For Your Eyes Only
歌曲名: For Your Eyes Only/Sheena Easton
歌詞: (...)

For your eyes only, can see me through the night.
For your eyes only I never need to hide.
You can see so much in me, so much in me that's new.
I never felt until I looked at you.
For your eyes only, only for you.
You'll see what no-one else can see, and now I'm breaking free.
For your eyes only, only for you.
The love I know you need in me, the fantasy you've freed in me.
Only for you, only for you.

For your eyes only, the nights are never cold.
You really know me, that's all I need to know.
Maybe I'm an open book because I know you're mine.
But you won't need to read between the lines.

For your eyes only, only for you.
You see what no-one else can see, and now I'm breaking free.
For your eyes only, only for you.
The passions that collide in me, the wild abandoned side of me.
Only for you, for your eyes only.

簡介+心得: 我不管 Roger Moore 在這部我還沒看過的電影裡有多帥,或者歌詞意境和我不知道的劇情有多貼合 - 這首歌如果現在才發行,且沒有套上龐德主題曲的光環,我要是聽見電台打這首歌,一定會立刻轉台。是說,這首歌有這麼難聽嗎? 不,相反地,一首歌如果難聽到不可思議的境界,我還會乖乖把它聽過一遍,好了解它為什麼這麼可怕 (就跟在好萊塢電影台看超無厘頭恐怖片也是種樂趣一樣)。但這首歌,不難聽也不好聽,沒有可取之處。

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電影名: Diamonds are Forever (1971年)
歌曲名: Diamonds are Forever (又名: 老二之歌!? 詳見下文)/Shirley Bassey 演唱
歌詞: (附無責任翻譯)

Diamonds are forever,
They are all I need to please me,
(有了它們 我便心滿意足)
They can stimulate and tease me,
(它們不會刺激我 取笑我)
They won't leave in the night,
I've no fear that they might desert me.

Diamonds are forever,
Hold one up and then caress it,
Touch it, stroke it and undress it,
(觸碰它 輕撫它 剝去外表)
I can see every part,
Nothing hides in the heart to hurt me.

I don't need love,
For what good will love do me?
Diamonds never lie to me,
For when love's gone,
They'll luster on.

Diamonds are forever,
Sparkling round my little finger.
Unlike men, the diamonds linger;
(和男人不同 鑽石不會殞滅)
Men are mere mortals who
Are not worth going to your grave for.

I don't need love,
For what good will love do me?
Diamonds never lie to me,
For when love's gone,
They'll luster on.

Diamonds are forever, forever, forever.
(鑽石是永遠的 永遠的 永遠的)
Diamonds are forever, forever, forever.
(鑽石是永遠的 永遠的 永遠的)
Forever and ever.
(永遠 永遠)

簡介+心得: 這部電影是小康正式發行的最後一部 007 電影,歌曲是我心目中永遠第一名的 James Bond 演唱曲! Shirley Bassey 小姐把 "Goldfinger" 唱活之後,這回又將血腥鑽石的魔力發揮得淋漓盡致。這首歌該有的靈魂元素一滴也不少: 好編曲 + 好歌詞 + 好歌手。尤其是歌詞 - 不看 "Goldfinger" 就不知道誰是金手指,但不看 "Diamonds are Forever" 也知道女人愛鑽石,不然廣告為什麼要打 "鑽石恆永遠 一顆永流傳"? >o<

讓我很意外的一點是,我在wiki上找資料時看到,編曲者 John Barry 當初在錄音時跟 Shirley Bassey 說 "想像你是在唱關於男人的命根子!"


所以才有...才有..."touch it/stroke it/undress it"(摸它 碰它 剝光它)這種歌詞嗎?

....啊啊啊啊啊~~~!!!! Bassey 小姐我還是寧可相信你在唱鑽石之歌,而不是老二之歌。而且我認為任何男人的命根子都不該永久保存的(發抖)

這首歌被 Kanye West 重新混音過,名為 "Diamonds from Sierra Leone",收錄在 2005 年 "Late Registration" 這張專輯中。只不過他唱的主題比較像是在講電影"血鑽石 (Blood Diamond)"。他在 MV 開頭就寫著:

"鮮少有人知道,獅子山 (Sierra Leone)和鑽石之間的關聯"

電影名: Live and Let Die (1973 年)
歌曲名: Live and Let Die/Paul McCarthy & Wings 演唱
歌詞: (完全沒有翻的動力...)

When you were young and your heart was an open book
You used to say life and let life
(you know you did, you know you did you know you did)
But in this ever changing world in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
Live and let die
Live and let die

What does it matter to ya
When you got a job to do
You gotta do it well
You gotta give the other fellow hell

When you were young and your heart was an open book
You used to say life and let life
(you know you did, you know you did you know you did)
But in this ever changing world in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry

簡介+心得: Roger Moore 的第一部 007 電影。雖然主題曲 "Live and Let Die" 讓 Bond 系列第一次獲奧斯卡最佳歌曲提名,演唱者又是批頭四成員,只能說風格實在跟我想像得差太多。明明配帥氣動作片,為什麼詞曲嘻皮味這麼重? 槍與玫瑰的版本還稍微好一點。歌好是好,但走錯電影了,出局!

電影名: The Man with the Golden Gun
歌曲名: The Man with the Golden Gun/Lulu 演唱
歌詞: (附隨便亂翻的中譯詞)

He has a powerful weapon
He charges a million a shot,
An assassin that's second to none,
The man with the golden gun.

Lurking in some darkened doorway,
Or crouched on a roof top somewhere,
In the next room, or this very one
(在隔鄰的房間 或者根本就在此處)
The man with the golden gun.

Love is required whenever he's hired,
It comes just before the kill.
No-one can catch him, no hit man can match him
(沒有人能抓到他 沒有殺手能比得上他)
For his million dollar skill.

One golden shot means another poor victim,
Has come to a glittering end,
For a price, he'll erase anyone
(只要開出價碼 他可以抹殺任何目標)
The man with the golden gun.

His eye may be on you or me.
(他可能正注視著你 或是我)
Who will he bang?
We shall see. Oh yeah!
(我們很快就會知道 是的!)

Love is required whenever he's hired,
It comes just before the kill.
No-one can catch him, no hit man can match him
(沒有人能抓到他 沒有殺手能比得上他)
For his million dollar skill.

One golden shot means another poor victim,
Has come to a glittering end,
For a price, he'll erase anyone
(只要開出價碼 他可以抹殺任何目標)
The man with the golden gun.

簡介+心得: 這是一部好演員 (Roger Moore 第二回扮龐德) + 好編曲家 (一如走來幾乎始終如一的 John Barry) + 名歌手 (Lulu 當時是大紅大紫的歌手) 也拯救不了的電影/歌曲。連 John Barry 自己都承認他寫曲時沒靈感,討厭死了這首歌 XDD 總覺得這首歌試圖重現 "Goldfinger" 的排場 (這次反派主角也跟黃金沾上邊,只是鍍金的不是他的手指...),但是模仿不到家,也缺乏原創。看看歌詞,好像是想要描繪一個讓人又愛又恨的壞蛋,卻流於庸俗,氣勢軟弱。可惜,可惜。

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電影名: Thunderball (1965年)
歌曲名: Thunderball/Tom Jones 演唱
歌詞: (以及無責任翻譯)

He always runs while others walk
(別人用走的 他總用跑的)
He acts while other men just talk.
(別人只是說話 他卻是在演戲)
He looks at this world, and wants it all,
So he strikes, like thunderball.
(所以他出擊 有如雷球)
He knows the meaning of success.
His needs are more, so he gives less.
(他求得更多 所以給得更少)
They call him the winner who takes all.
And he strikes, like thunderball.
(而他出擊 有如雷球)

Any woman he wants, he'll get.
(他想要的女人 沒有不到手的)
He will break any heart without regret.
(他可以使人心碎 而沒有一絲悔恨)
His days of asking are all gone.
(他想要的東西 不會開口要求 而會直接弄到手)
His fight goes on and on and on.
But he thinks that the fight is worth it all.
So he strikes like thunderball
(所以他出擊 有如雷球)

簡介+心得: 我沒看過這部電影,而且我實在不知道 thunderball 到底是要譯為"雷球" 還是 "霹靂彈" 比較好XD...不知道為什麼,雖然這部電影同樣有銅管+弦樂+小調+大嗓門歌手 (Tom Jones)的配給,我就是覺得還差了那麼一點。也許和前一年的金手指比起來,雷球好像弱了一點...(噗) 而我雖愛 Tom Jones,可他這首歌唱起來,怎麼說呢,好像少了一點狠勁? 不過跟兩年後的 "You Only Live Twice" 比起來,這首又不知道好多少了。

電影名: You Only Live Twice (1967年)
歌曲名: You Only Live Twice/Nancy Sinatra 演唱
歌詞: (加很不情願的翻譯)

You Only Live Twice or so it seems,
(你一生只活兩次 至少看起來是如此)
One life for yourself and one for your dreams.
(一次是為了自己 另一次是為了夢想)
You drift through the years and life seems tame,
(你浮盪這些年 生活寧靜無浪)
Till one dream appears and love is its name.

And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on,
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone.
(莫要恐懼危險 否則愛將離去)

This dream is for you, so pay the price.
Make one dream come true, you only live twice.
(讓一個夢想成真 因你一生只活兩次)

And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on,
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone.
(莫要恐懼危險 否則愛將離去)

This dream is for you, so pay the price.
Make one dream come true, you only live twice.
(讓一個夢想成真 因你一生只活兩次)

簡介+感想: 這是越陳越香的小康 - 史恩康納萊的第五部 007 電影。很不幸的是,光聽電影名我就興致缺缺。在找歌的時候,我無意間翻到當年的電影預告:

看完只有兩個字: 難---看! 如果當年在電影院裡看到這預告片我一點也不會想去看! 那個預告旁白講話好像快死了一樣,說什麼 "再強的壞人碰到 0~~0~~7,也要甘拜下風",語調平板,匱乏熱情,一點說服力也無。截取的電影畫面也看起來俗到不行。不是加了異國風情(日本壞蛋)就會是票房保證啊。

而歌呢? 不是說 Frank Sinatra 的女兒不好,只是這歌龐德調味料加得有點不夠,而且 Nancy Sinatra 的聲音太溫柔了 >_

電影名: On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969年)
歌曲名: On Her Majesty's Secret Service/John Barry 作曲
歌詞: 無


簡介+心得: 這部 "女王密使" 不是永遠越陳越香的小康演的,而是 George Lazenby 唯一的一部 007 作品。我沒看過電影,所以瞄了一下預告 - 看起來是比 "You Only Live Twice" 要好很多。不過根據wiki,這部電影的評價很兩極化。電影的第二首主題曲是 Louis Armstrong 唱的,爵士小品風的 "We Have All the Time in the World":

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上上禮拜,準備為期一週的 Washington - Oregon - Nevada 汽車旅行時,為了不讓開車太無聊 (怕無聊為什麼還開那麼遠呢<�笑>),我找了很多音樂來燒成合輯。其中,就有一張一時心血來潮製作的 "James Bond 007 電影主題曲大全"。

一路把 James Bond 的主題曲都聽下來是很有趣的。有些歌一聽就覺得 "讚! 氣勢磅礡,氣氛詭譎詐奇,匪諜味十足",有些歌一聽就皺起眉頭 "什麼鳥情歌啊! Bond 主題曲怎麼可以用大調呢! XDDD"

聽完,我的結論是: Bond 主題曲要合我胃口,一定符合以下幾個元素 -
(1) 調性絕對要是小調!
(2) 歌詞一定提到殺人和死亡。這可是殺人不眨眼的帥氣諜報員片耶!

以下就來介紹 Bond 的主題曲們吧! 依照年份排列:

================= 007 專用分隔線 ===================

電影名: Dr.No (1962年)
歌曲名: James Bond Theme/John Barry 作曲
歌詞: 無

簡介+感想: 這是家喻戶曉,人人耳熟能詳的 007 主題曲啊! 沒有演唱,但光是氣勢十足的銅管就讓人熱血沸騰!! 哦哦哦哦哦 >_<~~~~

電影名: From Russia with Love (1963年)
主題曲: From Russia with Love/Matt Monro 演唱
歌詞: (附無責任翻譯)

From Russia with love I fly to you,
(我從俄羅斯 挾帶愛 向你飛來)
much wiser since my goodbye to you.
(我已較上次與你揮別時 變得更為睿智)
I've travelled the world to learn,
(我行遍世界 方才醒覺)
I must return from Russia with love.
(我必須帶著愛 向你歸來)

I've seen places, faces and smiled for a moment,
(我遊遍各地 見過無數張臉 也曾短暫微笑過)
but oh, you haunted me so.
(但噢 你如此佔據我心)
Still my tongue tied young pride,
would not let my love for you show
In case you'd say no.

To Russia I flew but there and then,
(我飛至俄羅斯 但當下那瞬間)
I suddenly knew you'd care again.
My running around is through,
I fly to you from Russia with love.
(我從俄羅斯 挾帶愛 飛向你)

簡介+感想: 還沒聽到歌之前,我還想 "Matt Monro 是誰啊...他唱歌的時候我還沒出生哩",但不聽則已,一聽便入迷! 這首歌呢,人聲取代了銅管,也不再帶 swing band 味道,而是以悠悠弦樂作為伴奏。光聽電影名&同名歌名 (這也大概就此開啟從此以後 Bond 主題曲名或歌詞一定要提到電影名的慣例),就覺得這應該是比較柔和的一首歌。但如果只是單純的情歌,沒有配上 Matt Monro 低沉磁性的嗓音,怎能給人有 "從俄羅斯來的愛" 的神秘味道呢?

若真要說這首歌有什麼讓我不滿意之處,大概就是歌詞還不夠 "狠" 吧? "愛" 是諜報片不可或缺的原料,但殺人和死亡也是啊!

電影名: Goldfinger (1964年)
歌曲名: Goldfinger/Shirley Bassey 演唱
歌詞: (+依舊無責任翻譯)

He's the man, the man with the Midas touch
A spider's touch
Such a cold finger
Beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don't go in

Golden words he will pour in your ear
But his lies can't disguise what you fear
For a golden girl knows when he's kissed her
(一個黃金般的女孩 會知道她被金手指所吻)
It's the kiss of death ...
(因那死亡之吻 來自於...)

From Mister Goldfinger
Pretty girl, beware of his heart of gold
(漂亮女孩 妳要小心他金石打造的心)
This heart is cold
(這顆心 冰冷非常)

Golden words he will pour in your ear
But his lies can't disguise what you fear
For a golden girl knows when he's kissed her
(一個黃金般的女孩 會知道她被金手指所吻)
It's the kiss of death ...
(因那死亡之吻 來自於...)

From Mister Goldfinger
Pretty girl, beware of his heart of gold
(漂亮女孩 妳要小心他金石打造的心)
This heart is cold
(這顆心 冰冷非常)

Only gold
He loves gold
He loves only gold
Only gold
He loves gold

簡介+感想: 史恩康納萊好帥! Shirley Bassey 好讚! 啊啊啊啊啊!!!(尖叫十秒)

Goldfinger 最有名的一段對話大概就是金手指先生把當年還是英俊小生的史恩康納萊五花大綁(羞)在車床上,準備把他鋸成兩段(抖)時說的:

史恩康納萊: "你期望這樣我就會洩密嗎?" (Do you expect me to talk?)
金手指先生: "不,Mr.龐德,我期望你這樣就會死!" (No, Mr.Bond, I expect you to die!)

關於這首歌,我要斗膽地說 - 這世界上沒有人可以比 Bassey 小姐把它唱得更好! 如果 Bassey 不是讓這首歌大紅大紫永垂不朽的功臣,怎麼 Bond 的製作群會連著找她唱接下來的 "Diamonds are Forever" 和 "Moonraker"? 她渾厚紮實的獨特嗓子,寬闊的音域,和收放自如的情感,唱活了 007 的生命。這首歌編曲又回歸第一代銅管+打擊樂的大樂團模式,只是 Bassey 小姐的嗓子,是比銅管還要響亮而震憾人心的啊! 最後,這首歌歌詞有記得要加上 "死亡" 這關鍵字,添足了諜報味!

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